Mar 2020 - Quickly scale up your infrastructure for the emergency
This short post just to share what is the challenge of all computer scientists these days: to quickly adapt their applications to the increasing load. HAProxy and Docker faithful helpers!
Jan 2020 - Bringing the weather station back to life
At the entrance of my school there is, since always, a monitor with “weather system” written below. Switched off. Every day as I pass by it, I’ve often asked myself “does this weather station exist? Why doesn’t it work?” One day last year I decided to ask the school management the reason why that monitor was turned off. They told me that the station had actually been installed during the school renovation ten years before.
Sep 2019 - An open letter to our President: Let FUSS go on!
Al Presidente della Repubblica e p.c. Al Ministro dell’Istruzione Alla Ministra per l’Innovazione tecnologica e la Digitalizzazione Al Presidente della giunta Provinciale di Bolzano Gentilissimo signor Presidente, mi chiamo Marco Marinello e sono uno studente frequentante la classe quinta del Liceo Scientifico a Bolzano. Nella nostra Provincia, da quattordici anni a questa parte, le scuole in lingua italiana utilizzano il sistema operativo FUSS (“Free Upgrade for a digitally Sustainable School” ovvero “Sistema libero per una scuola digitalmente sostenibile”), completamente open source e sviluppato appositamente per noi.